
My new glasses arrived today. I picked them up about an hour an a half ago. I think they're going to be just fine, but will take some getting used to. My right eye kind of burns a little bit when I'm on the computer, but there could be several reasons for this. I am hoping that it falls under the "getting used to" category.

The last pair of glasses I bought were fucked up big time. I knew it almost immediately after I first tried them on. They seemed to be too strong in the left eye and everything appeared to me as if I were cross-eyed. I went back to the optometrist on two or three different occassions and he didn't seem to want to accept that maybe he'd made a mistake in his prescription. He adjusted them a couple of times...even sent them back to the manufacturers to have them adjusted. But all to no avail.

I eventually put them away and started wearing my old set. They'd become quite scratched in the time I was tying to get used to the other pair, but at least I could see through them. New insurance and a new doctor, I went through the whole boring routine again, including that jarring glaucoma test. The doctor was very thorough and I do think he was more meticulous than the last one. It will take a little getting used to these glasses but I think they're going to be okay.

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