

From the front porch of my house it is very easy to hear the bells at the Catholic church when they ring. It's something I really love about living here. Since I was a child they have been a part of the daily routine of life in this small town.

So I'm sitting out here tonight internet surfing and posting shit to this blog and the church bells began to chime. The first ring ends and then the second...there was a familiarity that I had not noticed...it almost sounded like the opening chords of "Vaka". I thought to myself, "Wouldn't that be cool if the church bells did a version of 'Vaka'?"

Alas, it WAS "Vaka". I had unwittingly opened up the blog in another tab and the song was on the Sigur Ros jukebox playing through the chinsy speakers on my laptop.

It would have been awesome, though, if it HAD been the bells.

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