
Music Video of the Week: Sigur Ros

Pause the Sigur Ros jukebox at the top of the page unless you want to hear a mash-up (which might not be too bad, actually)...

1st half

2nd half
"Untitled 8" Live 2005
Sigur Ros

The new video of "Gobbledigook" was originally this week's featured video, but YouTube pulled it down. I presume it was done because the nudity "violated the terms of usage". Okay, I'm not upset about that. There are lots of youngsters on YouTube, though I don't think this particular work is in bad taste. On the contrary, it's artistic merits, IMO, raise it above anything that I would find objectionable to anyone old enough to operate a computer and log in to YouTube. I'm sure there are hordes of parents out there who don't see it that way though.

Oh well...instead I present to you a very nice version of "Untitled 8". It's split into two sections, for whatever reason. Enjoy!

PS...by all means go to SigurRos.com and see the "Gobbledigook" video. It's great!

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