
Cholestral levels are high. Liver enzymes are elevated. It looks like I'm going to have to stop cheating on the low-fat diet. It's gonna be hard, because I've backslid so far. When the doctor's office called to inform me of these developments I was at Juana's with a HUGE beef burrito sitting, almost completetly eaten, on the table before me (just COVERED with cheese, no less). I'm listening to this nurse and at the same time shoveling this delicious, fatty food into my mouth...so yeah, things have probably gotten out of hand, but it's hard to resist when you're feeling okay. It very well could have something to do with being taken off of the Niaspin.

Any way you look at it I'm gonna have to get serious about this nutritional lifestyle change. I'm gonna have to find some motivation to see it through, better than I was able to do last time.

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