
My Affirmations

I am not, by nature, a "positive thinker". On the contrary, I have always been far too cynical and I am the biggest misanthrope you're ever likely to meet. But I do accept that it is good practice to affirm those things that bring peace of mind and to make the effort to realize them. So I looked deep inside me, where fools dare to tread, and found these...IDEALS, seldom realized, but held dear. I hope you find something in them with which you can stand in agreement with me. -JAC

~~~I will not take for granted the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.

~~~I will be grateful for those blessings and give thanks for them.

~~~I will not belittle those whose beliefs I do not share and likewise will not be swayed by those who would have me believe as they do.

~~~I will be grateful for all that has been given me, whether I know it is mine or not.

~~~I will extend compassion whenever needed and withhold judgment until warranted.

~~~I will allow good things into my secret place and will expel any evil I may find hidden there.

~~~I will give to the Creator what rightfully belongs to the Creator; I belong to the Creator, with all that I know and all that I see.

~~~I will not be discouraged by those who would mock my beliefs, nor will I mock the beliefs of others.

~~~I will believe only in that which I can accept, in my heart, soul and mind, as being "Truth" and NOT merely "belief".

~~~I will strive to put all things in proper perspective.

~~~I will not be confused by uncertainty, realizing that such is the way of the world.

~~~I will trust Jesus' proclamation: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", and I will make my home there.

~~~I will heed the words of Buddha: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"...and I will pray for reason and common sense.

~~~I will embrace the lesson of Krishna, "Abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace"...and I will shed them one by one, as I may.

~~~I will learn the meaning of the Hermetic maxim "As above, so below" and I will be mindful of both extremes.

~~~I will always remain open to new revelation, and will discern it in light of the revelation I have already received.

~~~I will train my ear to hear words of wisdom, beauty in music, the sounds of laughter and birdsong...

~~~I will train my eye to see the good in people and not their faults, knowing that there is both good and evil within me as well.

~~~I will follow the rule that is universal to all religions and reason, to do unto others as I would have them do unto me, and to love my brother as I love myself.

~~~I will never call the Creator by a name or be so foolish as to think that I could ever, in a million years, even begin to comprehend the ALL.

~~~I will take what is offered and give what is required.

~~~I will not harden my heart to the plight of others, nor will I be manipulated by those who would deceive me.

~~~I will memorize words of knowledge and will not discriminate from whose lips they are spoken or from whose pen they are written.

~~~I will pay heed to the voice of my Higher Thought and will defer to It in all matters.

~~~I will give credit where it is due, accept praise when honestly given, criticize only constructively and always bear in mind the value of an opinion.

~~~I will give priority in order of importance...my Creator, my Family, my Soul.

~~~I will appreciate those who love me in spite of my faults and will endeavor to love them likewise.

~~~I will leave the past where it belongs, hope for the future, and find my being in the here and now.

~~~I will accept my shortcomings and will not be discouraged when, at the end of the day, I find that I have failed to realize any or all of these affirmations.

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