
Haven’t posted anything in the past couple of days. Not much to say. Not that I ever have “much to say” anyway. Don’t really enjoy Stumbling too much lately. Just burned out, I’m sure. Too much Internet “humor” that is anything but funny. Can’t be bothered to spend the time with Buddhist/Hindu/New Age/Spirituality sites that they deserve. I have found a lot of mp3 music download sites and I’ve spent the last 24 hours digging deep into those. I know I’ve only scratched the surface of what they have to offer, so I’m sure I will devote a lot of time to them in the future.

My eye is starting to bug me again. I hoped that getting new prescription glasses would take care of that, but apparently the problem is with the eye itself. I knew that already, but hoped I was wrong. I’m having a hard time getting used to the prescription and the frames. But I think progress is being made on those fronts. The optometrist mentioned that double vision is possible side effect of two of the medications I currently take. I try to take that into account in the adjustment process.

I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist. I’ll be seeing her Monday morning. I just hope that it’s something that doesn’t require surgery. I’m terrified of what that probably entails. Still, as hard as that might be, I am gonna have to do it. This has gone on for way too long. I’m ready for the irritation to be over with.

We had dinner at Golden Corral tonight. I don’t know why we keep going there…not that we go there a lot, but every time we do I always say the same thing. There’s no way I ever get $10 worth of food. I’m very picky about the foods that I eat, so the variety, which I suppose is GC’s draw, doesn’t impress me. I usually wind up eating salad and/or roast beef. Which are usually pretty good but kind of “blah” fare for eating out. They had some kind of grilled steak but it was pink inside. I won’t eat any meat that isn’t well done. Which is why I won’t eat their steaks. The cooks never let them broil long enough. The last time I did get one that was thoroughly cooked it was at least 45% fat.

Like I said, I have very little to say. After spending so much time with the mp3 blogs I feel like I don’t have anything to offer. I have to keep it in perspective, realizing that this blog is nothing but a vanity project. That’s all it is and all it will ever be. It’s okay, it’s just that sometimes I wish it could be more things to more people.

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