

d said...

whoa. i'm not sure if i'm suddenly infatuated with a boy or a girl.

JC said...

I am assured by no less a reliable source as Ryosuke that Mijavi is MALE. He's not too fond of him, btw. I don't care, personally, I just think this dude knows how to play a fuckin' guitar.

d said...

What grounds has ryo to not be fond of this male? [insert homosexual joke here] No really... I want to know.

JC said...

I don't know, really. He wouldn't explain himself when I asked. He seemed appalled that I posted the video on sedaka, like he couldn't believe I liked it or something. It is kind of creepy to hear this deep male voice coming from such a feminine looking person. I thought he was a she until the singing started. Confusion settled in at that point and I walked away from it before losing my mind.

Hey, I requested your valued friendship on facebook...perhaps you have not seen fit to log in there lately to approve it. Or maybe you just don't want my facebook friendship, in which case you can go suck on a baby's bottle until you're blue in the face.

d said...

Ah yeah, I'm lazy. Feeling a bit stretched thin socially/mentally these days. But I'll be laid off next Wednesday, so I'll have no excuse to be not approving good people on Facebook.

You and your Sedaka. It might look like I'm heading over to my bed and falling asleep, but actually I'm pouting.