
Stacie's got some "mad money" coming in from her online t-shirt store these days and she likes to blow some of it at those devil's dens they call casinos. Last Saturday we lost 40 bucks, which isn't much, I know. But I'm conditioned to spendthriftiness and it was difficult watching 40 turn into 80 turn dwindling back down to 40 then crashing into nothing but chump change for the Sac and Fox tribe. Maybe they'll use it to tip Eddie Money's sound man the next time he plays there. It was fun, though, I have to admit.

I can see why people would leave their infant children in the car while they get hooked playing the games. A nickel in a penny slot takes a long time to convert into enough cash to buy a pack of Marlboro Lights. Kids are tough..resilient. It's only 99 degrees outside, you know? And no one should be able to hurt 'em because the doors are locked and the windows are rolled up. Where's the harm? Just think. Another hour or two and they could wind up winning enough to put the kid through college! Or at least pay for a decent burial.

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