

Mowed the lawn this afternoon and like a fool I wore a tank top undershirt. My back and arms are ridiculously sunburned…more than they’ve been since I can remember. A frightful shade of red covers my upper extremities in the shape of a Fruit-of-the-Loom t-shirt. What the hell was I thinking? Within 30 minutes of starting the job I KNEW I was going to get burned, but I didn’t stop to apply sun screen or at least put on a different shirt. Now I am paying with some serious pain and the promise of more to come. A couple of Ibuprofen and still no relief. I’ll take some more soon but I sure wish we had some Solarcaine or some other soothing medication. It would not be such a bad idea to drop everything, go to the grocery store and buy a can. I may just do that.

On the bright side, our lawn is impeccable. Mowed, raked and weed-eaten, it looks much better than the neighbors on either side. To the east they have made the mistake of using a riding mower and not raking. There are circular tracks and they did it while the grass was still wet. To the west, Randy has done a better job, but he didn’t rake, so there are trimming rows strewn across the whole lawn. I think it’s safe to say that mine rules the neighborhood.

But shit…my back hurts.

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