
Bryan posted another CoachZilla on his MySpace this morning. A couple of very funny bits.

No ACTUAL teachers were harmed in the making of this comic book, but if some were, that would be very amusing, wouldn't it? Today, I would like to make a few announcements.

A new, action packed comic book that is safe to the minds of today's youth (unlike CoachZILLA) has just hit the stands at Prague Middle School. It is called "Mrs. Hachitson Woman", in which Mrs. Hachitson Woman must fight the forces of obnoxious people using her powers… that's right, it's all potato based. Her weapon is a POTATO GUN, so no one gets hurt, not even the bad guys. Mr. Casey is questioning whether or not people will buy the comic book because it is, quote: "Moral".

Mr. Casey would also like to make the announcement that "even though the drawing in the comic is mildly disturbing (somewhat like Coach R.)," he, (Casey, not coach) "did not make the cartoon."

Also, Mrs. Saunders' bell was taken away from her because the students in Mrs. Mavin's class could hear it over Mrs. Mavin's voice, and THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING!!!

We would like to advise all students to stay away from the dumpsters behind the school because:

1. They smell bad.

2. You will get dirty.

3. There is a corpse of an unknown student there.

All students are now forbidden to lift the poles up in the mud to make the "funny splotchy noise".

Please kick the 6th grade football players while they're down today. Remember that they were whooped by Browley.

This has been an important announcement from Ashley Freelock.

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