
Our WAN DSL connection is still down and that's why I don't have internet on my laptop. It's a testament to my status as a computer newbie that I wasn't sure there was a network adapter built into my VAIO. I should have known that because I was using the router signal from a neighbor's house before we moved. I still don't understand why I got that and why I can't get that with the router I have. The only thing I can think of...well, hell, why make myself look like a bigger dolt than I am? All I know is that it is impossible to install a network adapter in my computer and I can only guess that it's because there's already an adapter in there. The WAN has been down for over a week now. I don't know what kind of progress they're making in getting it back up and I'm tired of calling them. Our network is set up properly, I'm 95% positive of that, but as far as internet goes I am out of luck for now.

Not that it really matters. I'm not involved in a whole lot of internet stuff, other than this blog. It doesn't count, though, because there's no real give-and-take of opinions and ideas here. They're all mine, which is just fine as far as that goes. But I enjoy communicating with folks out there in cyberspace. I get a couple of good hits a day on this blog (the hardcore blogger scoffs at such low figures, but I am not in it for attention). I'm happy about it, and if the trend continues I'll get a few more folks looking in at specific articles (my post about the creepiest songs of all time gets a lot of attention).

But the point is that most folks who come to this blog don't leave comments. I've had a few, yes, but not enough to where I'm satisfied with this medium being one of "communication". What I need to do is get involved in some internet communities. I think I've already mentioned, in an earlier post, that RS.comCastaways, where I've been hanging out for the past few years, has been skidding to a halt, as it were, for some time now. Used to be you could post something on any board and at least one person would check it out. No more. These days even the most popular boards see relatively little action (by 'little action' I mean to say that there are times when no one responds to a post within more than 24 hours). Not being critical of the Castaways board or the members of the community. But all too often it seems as though it has run it's course. I blame the "current events" board for the drop-off in active members. Not to say that such a forum should not exist within the parameters of the overall message boards, but it seems like most all of the animosity between people there has been sparked on that board. I suppose it's one thing to have a heated argument about music...it's a whole 'nother to embark upon political debates...though it must be said that it is, in the case of the Castaways, not necessarily the debates themselves that cause division more so than it is the inability of a good portion of the participants to keep from succumbing to the level of personal insults. It's as if the typical response to an unresolvable disagreement is a diatribe that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed, but a profanity laced attack upon the characteristics of a perceived enemy. You just don't see that on the music-oriented boards...or the movie board...or really ANY board for that matter...I don't say that low grade flame wars don't sometimes flare up on other boards...it would be hypocritical to say that, seeing as how I have initiated a couple myself...but only a fool would not see those for what they are: short-lived harmless pulling of chains, usually between people who either like each other or at least have no issues between them. It's a different story over at Current Events. Some of these folks take it way too personally.

Of course there is always the possibility that the in-fighting on that topic is considered, by some who participate, no more harmful than the "For Entertainment Only" and short-lived flame wars. It may well be exactly that. The difference is: people leave. People up and leave and don't come back to the boards. Almost every time someone jumps ship it's because of some row that started on the current events board. Or it's because they've just gotten sick and tired of someone or another whose incessant attacks and/or insults have become intolerable. Sometimes I feel like there are posters whose hidden purpose is not to engage in communication but to see how many people they can drive off of the boards, sort of like dignified trolls. Even if they don't see it that way it doesn't matter because that's the effect they have.

But so it goes. Stagnation is the inevitable result of any and every thing. I don't think my beloved Castaways community has come to that point, but all signs definitely suggest that it is not far away unless folks there can adopt the Rodney King approach. We're a rather insulated bunch...we haven't welcomed a "new member" is a long time (only trolls seem to show up, and you have to hand it to the admin there who shoot 'em down before they have a chance to wreak havoc). We've all "known" each other since the glory days of the Rolling Stone.com's message boards.

The best thing that could happen to the Castaways would be the return of a good lot of posters who have left (been run off). This is truly a case of numbers mattering. Not only numbers, but the dynamics would undergo a healthy boost with the return of even a few exiles. But numbers would be a good start. And maybe a campaign to have posters bring in good friends who might also add to the afore mentioned dynamic.

But I don't know. I seem to have veered from my original topic...I decided mid-way that I would re-post this at Castaways and that notion sort of took over. The thing is, I need to check out some other avenues of expression to bide my time until Castaways regains some momentum (as I hope it will). The Sigur Ros message boards at their site are interesting, but the fan base is so huge that you really can't get to know anyone there. MySpace, for me, has become basically a means with which I communicate with my daughter and little else. I check into GarageBand every day to see if I've got any reviews for my songs there (and sometimes I get in the mood to review others songs)...but that's really about it. Net surfing is fun and there are times when I really love it. But there are just as many times, these days, when I find it boring (probably a good thing, I would imagine).

But enough whining.

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