
more praise for the Bambo Syndicate's hit song "Take You to Hell"

I got another review for "Take You to Hell"...

Interesting intro, I always like the lo-fi chatter background if its applied tastefully, and it is here nice job.

Great build up, very smooth.
Good bass, a little quiet.

Great mood, Im lousy at describing mood directly, so I have to go with vague metaphor through description of what I see. For you guys its a walk down a busy, but not overly crowded street, where you can make out snippets of persons lives and days as you walk past. Its kind of soothing really.

Well mixed, no real comments there, sorry guys.

Same with who you sound like, you sound like yourselves! Which in this case, is a very good thing.

Keep up the great work!

Note: Reviewed by: kelmorian from Santa Cruz, California. The song is credited to a fictional band called the Bambo Syndicate, and that is why he refers to "me" as "you guys". It's all fine and good for me.

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