
If you've checked in the last few days you will no doubt remember that I bought a coconut. I don't usually buy coconuts. I don't even know if I LIKE fresh coconut. Every few years I think I just have to have one, perhaps to remind myself whether or not I enjoy them.

I cracked that coconut open last night and it smelled so nasty. I don't know if I got a bad one or what. If not I think I'll make it a point to make a mental note of how nasty it was so that in the future I won't waste my money.

The reason I'm thinking it might be a bad one (besides the smell) is because there appeared to be some kind of bruising on parts of the meat and when it was extricated I saw what looked like mold on the inner shell. I could be wrong...maybe that's what all coconuts look like when they're opened. Even so, it doesn't matter. The only way I'll eat coconut ever again is if I get stranded on Gilligan's Island.

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