
dizzler/project playlist battle for Sigur Ros Jukebox supremacy

No doubt there are hundreds, if not thousands of people out there who are fascinated and immensely amused by the Project Playlist versus Dizzler war that is playing itself out on this blog. Dizzler, with it's superior designing capabilities, has been the victor for the last couple of days.

But as of right now, Project Playlist has made a strong comeback and has very likely dealt the death blow True, the rumour is that PP is in deep trouble with the record label suits. I don't know how reliable this information is, nor do I know what, if any, effect it will have upon the site. My hope is that all the issues get resolved satisfactorily and that the fun doesn't end for the millions of people who are, in reality, promoting the music they love by sharing it with others.

Dizzler's downfall came when I started to get tired of "Glosoli", which was my "default song". I never thought I would tire of it, and I haven't reached that point, having turned down the sound every time I open my blog page. I WON'T get burned out on it if I listen in moderation...unfortunately this is not possible with Dizzler's player. The shuffle feature, as I have recently discovered, DOES work, but the problem is that you always have to start from the default song.

For the most part, I'm the only one listening to the thing (though who knows...there may be a few others with the same superior taste in music who park here for a while just to listen to the world famous Sigur Ros Jukebox). What I want is a different song order every time, and that includes (most importantly, perhaps) a different starting point. The Project Playlist player may not be the most visually appealing widget out there, but I don't care.

Furthermore, it takes Dizzler forever to connect and start playing. I won't cast the blame on the service itself, as it may be my DSL connection (I will never go back to a 56K, but even so, this DSL we've got is still frustrating and makes me wish I had a cable connection...the reasons I DON'T are good ones, but I can't talk about them here). Regardless of who or what is at fault, it's still an unacceptable problem.

Anyhoo, the long and short of it is that the Sigur Ros Jukebox has returned to the Project Playlist mode.

One change that I've made on the Jukebox is the addition of several tracks by Amiina, who have recorded and toured with Sigur Ros as a string quartet. Their music is not confined to strings, however. It is an interesting and intriguing experimental sound that compliments, in it's own way, the soundscapes of their Icelandic compatriots. If you've seen Sigur Ros' "Heima" you already know how important their contribution has been to that band's overall sound over the last several years. I think you will enjoy the tracks I've added...I will, and I suppose that's what matters.

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