
King Tongue

The year 2000 was a very good one for me as a musician. My old band, Head, who hadn't played together since 1992, reformed as King Tongue. Picking up where Head left off, we wrote a lot of original songs. Some of them were the best I've ever collaborated on. Plus, we learned a ton of cover songs. As s result, our efforts paid off as we were given a monthly slot at a club called Long Ears, where we garnered a small cult following.

It wasn't always so good there. I remember our first gig...I said, "Does anybody have a request? Is there something we can play for you tonight?" Some wise ass hollered "Yeah...jhow about the JUKE BOX!" .

It was always a well-kept secret where we got our band's name. I don't think anyone outside of the band knows. But now that we've been history for 8 years. I suppose I can reveal it's source:

It came from an ad in the back of a Hustler magazine advertising one of those badly produced porno films. This one featured a man with an incredibly huge tongue (most assuredly prosthetic) and it was called KING TONGUE. I thought that was so funny and that it made the perfect band name. Lots of double meanings there.

I thought I'd post a few photos...a couple of the band, the cover of the album we never made (seeing as how we broke up before recording it) and a few flyers.

March 2000

March 2000

Our unrealized album
"This Is the Part About the Horses"

September 22nd/23rd flyer

May 19th flyer

May 19th Flyer

Generic flyer

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