
It's been confirmed...The Time Killer is worth your time

You know, I often question the quality of ye ole Time Killer blog. I write the thing for myself, of course. I'm the one with the excess amounts of time to kill...I don't expect folks to drop what their doing to read my trivialities...after all, there's too much free porn on the internet to bother with these meandering thoughts and convoluted concocted kernels of creativity... but sometimes I wonder just how it stacks up against other blogs that are out there floating along the crowded super-highways of the internet. So I've been doing a little "blog surfing" (clicking the NavBar, checking out other blogs)...and I have come to the conclusion that a.) The Time Killer is a fairly entertaining affair when compared to other personal blogs and b.) with the sheer number of blogs posted in languages other than English I doubt too many bloggers can even read it.

It's good that citizens from all across the globe have access to this service. I'm glad to see them blogging with abandon. But one has to wonder why Google has not found a way to sort out blogs by language as far as the NavBar is concerned. Out of at least 50 blogs I looked at, there were maybe 15 in English. Most of those were veiled advertisements for mortgage companies plus one colorful outing by a guy with the rather dubious name of "hornyXXstud".

Is this all there is?