
Emptying My Photobucket

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It's how I feel...why can't you leave me be? Who am I hurting?

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Sad but true, there once was a time when I empathized with the guy in this famous Diane Arbus photograph (one of many favorites I have of her work).
No wait...who am I kidding? I was NEVER that dorky. I think I might have felt like I was at times...

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I keep wanting to come up with a joke that associates the classic Abbey Road cover with the even more time honoured classic joke about Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Alas, none of the results that I've so far come up with have produced even a modicum of entertainment value, so I won't bore you with them.

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Here's the key to understanding the Karmic symbology utilized in this entertaining gif:
YOU are the one who is getting kicked...as such, YOU are also the one doing the kicking. Everything you do sends out shock waves that eventually come back to haunt you in one way or another. And it never ends, not in this life or the next...
Use that key and you will furthet enhance the humour value of an already very funny image...

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Okay, that's it, boys and girlz...
Uncle JACkory is off to beddy-bye now.
Y'all come back now, ya hear...I'll have more of the same nonsense up in no time at all...

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