
Nightmare Stuff

For a moment, while listening to a Bjork album, I turned into a bear.
It was one of those warm, fuzzy feelings that you wish would last forever but are all too soon faded into the obscurity of forgetfulness.
Such a cute little bear I was, as well, with no thoughts of harm to others.
Something about Bjork's unaccompanied banshee wailing brings out the bear in me.
Folks, this is the nightmare stuff.

Concentration is demanded of the webmaster who pours his soul into his work.
The Listening Room was a fun concept, but it had become too limiting.
Too high a demand for good quality writing, when I am all too often more inspired to blurt out the shoddy kind.
So here is another unsolicited opinion, drowned out in the noise of the countless others bumping into each other out there in cyberspace.
Just opinions...nothing to fight about.

Like father, like son...

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