
Random Thoughts: 4.9.05 Edition

Well, I hope everyone likes the little photo stream at the top of the page. You wouldn't believe how frustrating it can be when I make even a tiny mistake. Basically the photos are of the groups/artists/composers that I've listed in the "Music I Like" sidebar, in the same order (with the exception of Charlie Hall, who I can't seem to find a picture of). I realize that the size of the images makes some of them hard to recognize (there's no way anyone could tell that the Grateful Dead is in their slot)...but that's why I chose to simply reproduce the sidebar list. The perceptive viewer will figure it out. Not that this blog has any regular viewers at all, perceptive or not...
Anyhoo, a few random thoughts...
RANDOM THOUGHT #1: I mentioned my local video store in the Final Cut review I posted the other day. There's something about that store that really bugs me. They take it upon themselves to place "NC-17" stickers on certain "R" rated movies they think deserve it. There are several examples, but the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are We Were Soldiers (the Mel Gibson WWII vehicle) and the Kevin Costner/Robert Duvall film Open Range (a GREAT movie, if you haven't seen it, by all means you should).
It kinda bugs me that the proprieters of this store think their judgement is more reliable than that of the Motion Picture Ratings folk. Saving Private Ryan is a much more violent film than We Were Soldiers, and yet it retains it's "R" rating. For the life of me I cannot figure out how Open Range merited an "NC-17". Sure, there's a bloody shoot-out at the end, and it's pretty graphic, but no more so than several of the other westerns on their shelves they haven't bothered to re-rate.
It just doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
RANDOM THOUGHT #2: Here's a shout out to the Blog Oklahoma web ring that I've been a part of for about a week now. I'll have to start posting some stuff with a "local flavor" for all my fellow Okies who might just stumble in here from surfin' that excellent ring.
RANDOM THOUGHT #3: Might as well start now with the "local flavor"...and "flavor" is the key word here. The last week I've rediscovered just how delicious Robertson's ham is. If you've never tasted Robertson's ham, well, m'friend, you just have not enjoyed the best ham on the face of the earth. I'm not even much of a pork eater, and rarely eat ham, but that's because I'd forgotten just how delicious Robertson's is. The Robertson's store I patronize is the one located at I-40's 200 Mile Exit (the Prague-Seminole exit, about 50 miles east of OKC), and the proprieter there, Gary Bloomer, is one of the nicest fellers you could ever want to do business with. They also serve up some mighty fine bacon, sausage & beef jerky, among other delicacies, but you REALLY need to get ahold of some of that ham. It's a tad pricey (around 7 and a half dollars a pound, with the tax), but I'm here to tell you that it is SO worth every penny, you won't regret spending the difference ahead of any brand of ham you can name.
And NO, Mr. Bloomer has NOT paid me to advertise for him!
RANDOM THOUGHT #4: Those Spiderwick books for young 'uns are pretty doggone entertaining! Y'see, I've been reading to my 10 year old son quite a bit the last couple of days, and that's one that we're getting through together. It's something I never would have chose to read on my own, but I'll be derned if it I'm not enjoying it as much as my boy is! And the same goes for all the Hank The Cowdog books that I read to him. Funny, funny stuff...
RANDOM THOUGHT #5: Well, it's back to the old grindstone for me. The agency I work for has FINALLY gotten around to re-assigning me after 2 weeks of my waiting, each passing day finding me more and more content to just sit around and tinker on the computer (that's one of the reasons I've been able to mess with this blog so much). But they sho' nuff don't pay me to do this and a man's got to earn his keep (at least that's what the Good Book and the wife tell me), so the unpaid vacation is coming to a screeching halt this Wednesday, when I'm scheduled to get my annual CPR re-certification. I'll also meet the individual I'll be working with earlier that morning, and if all is hunky dory (and I don't have any reason to think that it won't be) I imagine we'll work my name into the staffing pattern. Then on Thursday I'll take care of that pesky annual Medication Administration Training refresher (a requirement for the job itself, but kind of a waste of time when one considers that the guy I'm working with doesn't even take medication at this point).
Not to worry, O legion of devoted Listening Room readers (and there are, what, at least 2 or 3 of you out there, right?), I'll still have lots of down time to tinker with this silly blog (as well as Nausea & Bliss, it's weird sibling).
RANDOM THOUGHT #6: Of all the genres of music available for the discriminating ear to savour, there is only one that I can say I truly detest. Broadway show tunes. I mean, I'd rather listen to elevator muzak than that junk. The only exceptions I can think of are Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar, and I can't even enjoy that last one cuz of all the shoddy theology that makes me cringe throughout.

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