
I kinda let this blog go when I left the Mad Laugh back in late December of last year...it had turned into a journal of my experiences with the band. Of course, that had never been the original goal of the blog when I first started it a year earlier, long before I'd joined the group. At that point I was content to pontificate about the music I happened to be listening to on any given day. But I started up another blog with a musical theme, which was to be an experiment in "team-blogging", and the good old Listening Room turned into the afore-mentioned Mad Laugh diary, then was abandoned completely.
I've jumped back into the blogosphere with a blog called
Nausea & Bliss, which is more or less a somewhat bizarre photoblog at this point, but may eventually morph into an outlet for creative writing and other such means of expression. The team blog, which was called RSdotcom Champions Music Club, has been inactive for quite awhile and I plan on deleting it soon. With that out of the way, I intend to resuscitate the Listening Room. I want to bring it back more in line with it's original purpose (music blah blah blah), but then again, truth be told, I don't listen to as much music as I used to, so I may post some other stuff as well.
At any rate, I doubt too many people will ever read any of it, so I'll stop with all the formalities.
The next few posts will be pulled from the RSdotcom Champions Music Club blog, saved from oblivion before I delete it. They are basically written as "reviews" (though a couple are not yer typical music reviews, more like tributes to Lester Bangs' style, ie. my attempts to emulate his style). I hope you enjoy them.

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