
Empire Bottling Works spruce beer

Found this at Pops yesterday. I don't know what it tastes like, but I'm fitting to find out right now.

Oh, great God in heaven, this spruce beer is NASTY. I could only take a few sips and I'm done with it. It's very strong and has a taste that is very, very familiar, but try as I might I can't think of what it is. It's not too sweet...or I should say that if it IS real sweet the other flavor covers it up.There's a very slight hint of birch beer in the aftertaste, but not enough to make up for the spruce, which I'm assuming is the agent from which this rancid nectar is derived. I LIKE birch beer, and this, my friends, is no birch beer. It's a shame I'm gonna have to pour this down the drain, because it sure ain't cheap. But nobody else around here is gonna drink it. Oh well, I still have a birch beer and a bottle of Ski left.

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